Giftedness in Italy

Giftedness: an opportunity for the future

7th November 2016, at 3pm, in Rome, in the Italian Parliament, there will be the conference "Giftedness: an opportunity for the future to recognize gifted children" organized by the Committee on Culture, Science and Education of the Chamber of the Deputies and by the national no profit association Step-net.

Step-net is the national association for the giftedness in Italy: for families, schools and experts. Step-net is a network: the main goals are wellbeing of gifted children and the support of families and teachers.

The President of the Committee on Culture, Science and Education of the Chamber of the Deputies, On. Flavia Piccoli Nardelli,will open the conference. The On. Giulia Narduolo will introduce it. The Ministry of Education, University and Research, Sen. Stefania Giannini will conclude the conference.

The main speaker will be Prof. Steven Pfeiffer Florida State University, one of the greatest international experts about Giftedness. He's the clinical advisor of the Foundation Eris - Center Phronesis and member of the scientific committee of Step-net. Viviana Castelli, national President and Antonella Torriani, national Vice President of the association Step-net will give voice to the rights of Italian Gifted children. Then Dr. Roberta Renati, director of the Center Phronesis of Foundation Eris, will illustrate the research data and the possible trajectories of risk. At the end Prof. Sara Riscazzi, responsible of the School Committee of Step-net, will report on the didactics and on the methodologies for gifted students.

1st National Day about giftedness in Italy

The conference represents a first institutional answer about giftedness in Italy, in reference to recommendation n. 1248 of the 1994 of the European Community, the relationship Eurydice 2006, the opinion of the CESE 2013/C 76/01 and the goals of Europe 2020.

The gifted children are the 5% of the population. Many myths and prejudices accompany them. They are often called genius, children over the top. Other times they are confused and they become victims of misdiagnosis. Someone doesn't emerge. Others are marginalized. They are very intelligent and sensitive, fragile and often alone.

The focus of the conference will be to give correct and scientific informations, showing the true life of many Italian families, so that the institutions, the society, the professionals of the health and the school, adequately trained, can recognize the gifted children and support their growth of path.

The national association Step-net promoted the guidelines for a law, so that Italy can conform to the European and international situation and doesn't forget these citizens.

The inspiration is the art. 3 of the Italian Constitution: "All citizens have equal social dignity and are equal before the law, without distinction of sex, race, language, religion, political opinion, personal and social conditions." The Republic should remove the obstacles of economic and social order, that, limiting the liberty and the equality of the citizens, could prevent the full development of human person.

Giftedness is a gift that should be understood and cultivated, a resource for themselves, for the others, for our future.

The conference will be in streaming on webtv of the Chamber of the Deputies at the page

7th of November, Monday
Rome, Palazzo Montecitorio, Italian Parliament, Chamber of Deputies

15.00 - Welcome
On. Flavia Piccoli Nardelli
President of Committee on Culture of Chamber of Deputies
On. Giulia Narduolo
Member of Committee on Culture of Chamber of Deputies
15.15 - Who are the gifted? How should we identify them? ...and what about their education?
Steven Pfeiffer, Ph.D, ABPP
Florida State University, USA
Clinical supervisor, Eris Foundation Onlus, Milan
15.55 - Liberare il potenziale umano dei bambini e dei ragazzi gifted
Viviana Castelli, President
Antonella Torriani, Vice President
Step-net, the national no profit association
16.15 - Plusdotazione. Quali possibili fattori di rischio per la traiettoria evolutiva? Primi dati di ricerca
Roberta Renati, Ph.D, Psychologist - Psychotherapist, Responsible of Phronesis Center
Director of Centre Phronesis, Eris Foundation Onlus, Milan
16.30 - Didattica e metodologia per gli studenti plusdotati
Sara Riscazzi, Responsabile Comitato scuola
Step-net, the national no profit association
16.45 - Conclusion
Sen. Stefania Giannini, Ministry of Education
Minister of Education

For informations